08. Juli 2023

Poland: „Conservative“ government wants to recruit 400,000 non-European migrants
Mateusz Morawiecki: Kancelaria Premiera, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons / Bildmontage: Heimatkurier

So far, Poland has been a largely ethnoculturally homogeneous country – with all the advantages that entails. But that could soon change. The „conservative“ PiS government is not only busy extorting reparations from Germany, it also intends to recruit 400,000 migrant workers from Asian and African countries every year. A fatal decision.

The Polish PiS party (German: Recht und Gerechtigkeit) is often described by the press as a nationalist to „ultra-right“ party. However, if one analyzes the party’s migration policy since it came to power, this image becomes considerably flawed. This is because the number of non-European migrants has increased immediately and steadily since the conservative takeover. Poland is in danger of repeating the mistake of Western European countries and going down the political path of population exchange.

First breach in „Fortress Poland“.

After taking over the reins of government in 2015, the PiS party quickly began using labor quotas to recruit targeted non-European and Muslim immigrants. In 2016, 3,700 of these migrants were brought into the country, compared with just under 9,300 in 2017. But the trend has picked up steam since then: Last year, there were already 135,500 labor migrants, mostly from the Middle East and the Caucasus. This leads, of course, to a decline in public security in Poland as well. The migrants work for American corporations like „Uber“ as cab drivers, among other things. Many take advantage of this to sexually assault female passengers.

Not enough yet

But despite this, PiS has not yet had enough of „cultural enrichment.“ It recently announced its intention to bring at least 400,000 migrant workers into the country every year. In the future, the necessary documents are to be issued digitally rather than at the embassy. On the list for the simplified labor quotas are countries such as Nigeria, Turkey, Pakistan, Vietnam and Kazakhstan. But resistance is already forming against the move. The vice president of the right-wing oppositional „Konfederacja“ has announced his intention to fight the PiS plans at all levels. The driving force behind the disastrous migration plans is likely to be American corporations such as Uber. They are greedy for cheap labor to maximize their profits.

PiS Policy – A Critical Review

The official guideline of the incumbent governing party is considered to be Christian-conservative with a nationalist character. At present, it is busy making its voice heard with an anti-German policy. It wants to extort 1.6 trillion euros in reparations from Germany. This is a polemical move, but one for which the government is organizing international conferences. Its migration policy also shows little sign of the officially proclaimed guiding principle. Since taking office, African „labor migration“ alone has increased by over 3600 (!) percent. Instead of representing the interests of its constituents and the Polish people, the government, under economic pressure, is flooding the country with replacement migrants from Africa and Asia.

A consequence of US hegemony?

But what is behind all this? Poland has exhibited strong transatlantic ties to the „West“ and the U.S. not just since yesterday. As with the Meloni government in Italy, little remains of the „right-wing positions“ when the U.S. ties once again take their toll. As a result, the Polish people, by far the most pro-American in Europe, are now also feeling the downside of the U.S. hegemon. This example shows once again that any country that aligns its security policy and economic foundation with Washington will be forced to transform its society along American lines.

US ambassador gives LGBTQ awards

This includes not only population exchange and replacement migration, but equally the adoption of the so-called „LGBTQ“ agenda. For example, the U.S. company „Uber“ recently sponsored a bizarre LGBTQ event in Warsaw at which the U.S. ambassador himself presented an award. The recipient was a woman who encouraged children to undergo sex reassignment surgery. American disregard for other values is by no means limited to Poland, but is an international phenomenon. In Japan, too, Western politicians, NGOs, and major corporations are increasingly pressuring the country to adopt the LGBTQ agenda.

Globalist dependencies must be broken

Both for the future of the Polish people and in the interest of Europe as a whole, it is to be hoped that the resistance of the „Konfederacja“ party to the government plans will be successful. In order for the European peoples to be able to decide their own fate, the restoration of their own sovereignty is indispensable. To achieve this, American hegemony must be broken and the U.S. bond discarded. Similarly, the EU must become a genuinely European alliance and thus fulfill its real task: To represent and defend the interests and existence of the European people, instead of imposing a globalist transformation of society on them.


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