31. Oktober 2023

Interview with Robbe – the Flemish activist who occupied an asylum center in Germany
Foto: Identitäre Bewegung

Last weekend millions of people could witness a powerful action by young Europeans against the Great Replacement: Identitarian activists occupied a future asylum center in Dresden. One of them was the Flemish activist Robbe. Heimatkurier could talk to him about his motivation for taking part in the action.

Heimatkurier: Greetings Robbe! What was your motivation for taking part in this spectacular action?

Robbe: Europe is being flooded by the on-going replacement migration and our governments are doing nothing to keep our people safe. I want to represent those people through taking action and to let the government know: We’ve had enough!

Why did you, as a Flemish activist, occupy a rooftop in Eastern Germany?

As a Flemish activist from Schild & Vrienden we are well connected with other activist groups throughout Europe. We are all different people from countries that are facing the same dangers that these migrants bring. We stand unified in our struggle against the crime and terror this invasion brings with it.

What did you feel when standing on top of the building?

It felt great. My heart was racing and pumping with adrenaline. My hope is that our message will finally be heard.

Can we expect more of those international „activist exchanges“ in the future?

Definitely – as Europeans we have to stand together to keep our peoples and cultures sovereign. The globalist is a great beast and only through unity we can defeat it!

What would you like to tell the people living next to this building?

Stay safe and vigilant! It’s a sad truth that neighbourhoods of asylum centers are prone to crime and just general gentrification. It is my hope that these people will not just bow their head but instead will hold the government responsible until direct action is taken.

Thank you for talking to us and for taking action!


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